My Time as a Global Scholar

This past year as a Global Scholar has been full of inspiration, challenges, and fun facts, as I have attended phenomenal GIP events, struggled to co-publish a short book, and learned more about the world around me. I am very thankful for all of the experiences I have had as a Global Scholar. I have become more aware about situations, conflicts, etc. that are going on in other countries or that affect the planet as a whole (@climate change).

I must say, I did not have a great understanding of the amount of commitment, time, and energy that is required of each and every Global Scholar when I started this journey, but I do not regret having applied. Through the Poly GIP program, I have been able to travel across the world (to Nicaragua, Argentina, and the Dominican Republic) with my friends, and as a Global Scholar, I have been able to continue expanding my horizons while staying in Pasadena. As a result, I want to say a huge thank you to Mr. Caragher, Ms. Diederich, and Mr. Bracker for all of their support and enthusiasm for the Poly Global Scholars. Without them, none of what happened this year would have been possible. Also, thank you to my fellow Global Scholars for being inquisitive, ambitious, and committed; I found everyone's passion and determination in class and during their grant proposals and/or capstone projects to be very inspiring and amazing. Thank you all!


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